Tandem Skydive Brief video with sign language (courtesy of Skyhigh)

Para tandem Skydiving, learn to skydive and para skydiving event

Due to disabilities being so varied sometimes it is possible to complete a tandem skydive with no adaption to the equipment or the experience. At other times adaptions may be be a required to address additional safety or comfort elements to the skydive. This may include the following:

  • Specialist equipment to reduce risks and assist with the freefall or landing element of the skydive (i.e specialist harness to support the legs of a tandem passenger/student who has lower limb weakness of Paralysis

  • Additional training or the skydive instructor (/higher experience level of instructor or a specific instructor being required (i.e a instructor who has a height advantage on the tandem passenger/student

  • Communication adjustments - such as communication options in freefall and for landing for a tandem student/passenger who is deaf or blind for example).

  • Risk assessment and subsequent specific weather/wind requirements on the day of the skydive to improve landing safety.

Although all sports aim to be as inclusive there may be times where it is not suitable/safe for someone with a disability to skydive. This may be deemed too high a medical risk by a doctor, or there may be a high risk to the safety of the instructor. Due to the risks associates with skydiving it is also crucial that the tandem passenger/student has the mental capacity to understand the risks and has capacity to consent.

It is likely only certain centres in the UK will have the specialist equipment or training of instructors to be able to offer tandem skydiving to people with significant disabilities (i.e. paraplegia).

Things to be aware of/Understanding of additional risks:

  • In the UK and many other countries you will require a medical to complete a skydive if you have a disability

  • At the altitudes of a tandem skydive your oxygen saturations may drop, this may cause risks/dangers to someone with specific medical conditions (i.e cardiac or neurological conditions).

  • The stress/force on the joints/body during the freefall of the skydive (at around 120mph), on the parachute opening and when landing can cause a risk if there is underlying medical conditions i.e shoulder instability (dislocations) and risks of fractures with conditions such as reduced bone density (osteoporosis or bone metastatic cancer).

  • Due to equipment weight limits most skydive centres have maximum weight limits for passengers/students of between 13-18 stone in the UK, although there may be higher limits abroad if specialist equipment is available.

If you have any additional questions or would like support to find a skydive centre please contact us via Facebook messenger.

Specialist Centres:


  • Skyhigh, (Peterlee) - Has specialist tandem skydiving equipment (rainbow suits), specialist trained instructor and lift for emplaning to support tandem skydives with people with significant physical disabilities i.e. paraplegia/tetraplegia. They also specialise in tandem skydiving for people with visual and hearing impairments

  • Skydive Langar (Nottingham)- They specialise in offering tandem skydiving for people with visual and hearing impairments


TAKE OFF Fallschirmsport  (Germany) . Has specialist tandem skydiving equipment (rainbow suits), specialist trained instructor and lift for emplaning to support tandem skydives with people with significant physical disabilities i.e. paraplegia/tetraplegia.
